In 2021, I was lost. Injuries, illness, disease. Burnt out, detached, pretending. Both chasing and delaying happiness.
In 2022, years of anxiety, depression, addiction, and suicidal ideation had built up and caused me to hit a wall. I was tired of feeling depleted, and I was forced to take some time off to rediscover myself. I set the intention to learn what I am passionate about and what lights me up. Here’s what I learned: I love how I feel when practicing Yoga, experiencing and creating all forms of art, traveling and exploring, listening to music, singing and dancing, learning and reading and writing.
In 2023, I knew I was meant to teach Yoga. I started to pay attention to the signs and more importantly trust them. I feel grateful to have found the most incredible community and the forms of healing that work for me. Every time my first instinct is always to share them with others.
In 2024, I finally feel a love for life I’ve never experienced before. My greatest accomplishment is continuously transmuting my worry, doubt, fear, anger, resentment, shame, guilt — all to love. Realizing that true happiness comes from within, that there is no bad or good, only what is and how you react to it. My calling is to help others do the same. This year I have become a certified yoga teacher and reiki practitioner. I’ve learned about our energy centers and channels. I’ve discovered the magic in connection and movement, and the beauty in stillness. I have accepted my role as a shaman, a connection to the spiritual realm. After I processed my trauma with meditation and breathwork, I’ve been able to release my old patterns through therapy. I have become calmer, stronger, more patient, and more present. I am softer and more open to receive the infinite possibilities. I am more willing to bet on myself, trust my Self, believe in my Self. I have expanded my awareness. Maybe most importantly I’ve learned how important it is to be kind to myself, to put myself first, to listen to myself, to use my voice, to value myself as worthy and deserving of a pleasurable life. I am both perfect and a work in progress all at the same time. Our outer reality is a reflection of our inner thoughts, and life is starting to look a lot more beautiful these days. The road is long. I have a lot more to learn yet. And isn’t that exciting.
Everything I do now is in service to our higher good. The reason I decided to share this all is to aid anyone who is on this path in finding me. So if anything resonates with you, know that I am here for you.